So the kiddos have discovered the show Power Rangers thanks to a dear loving friend of theirs and it has quickly become a favorite. Of course because we have amazingly creative and imaginative children, Power Rangers is not only watched but also enthusiastically played on a daily basis.
They have all picked a ranger with whom they associate with. Rachel is the yellow ranger (which is interesting because up until recently she hated the color yellow...), Benjamin is the silver ranger, Hannah is the pink ranger, Andrew like the green ranger and Isaac is the blue ranger - by default.
Now because Andrew is home with me during the day one would think he wouldn't be as into the imaginative play with out his siblings. But nope that doesn't stop him. The moment they are gone he kindly reminds me that he is "Jake, the green Power Ranger." And if I happen to call him Andrew he eagerly reminds me that he is not Andrew but Jake. He also frequents the outfit above and with a gun or his 'axe' (a table leg for the play kitchen) as his weapon he is constantly saving me from the 'exborgs'. I have never felt so safe in my life. :)
And guess what he wants to be for Halloween....Yep, Jake the green Power Ranger.
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