Weight: 12 lbs. 14.5 oz
Height: 25.75 inches
Head Circ: 40.6 cm
It is mind boggling to think that Isaac is 4 months old already, he is 1/3 of the way to his 1st birthday. How is that possible? Why does time seem to go by so fast? Some fun facts about Isaac:
*He is everyone's buddy; their favorite pal. The kids are constantly 'fighting' over who gets to be by Isaac or get to hold Isaac or gets to touch Isaac.
*He wakes up 1 time each night to eat.
*He also thinks 5:30 am is a WONDERFUL time to wake up and start the day. We think he and Benjamin need to share a room since they both early risers and Andrew disagrees.
*When he does wake up he just lays in his crib making noises.
*He has an infectious giggle and the most adorable smile.
*He takes 2 or 3 short cat naps a day...like 1 hr each or less.
*Everything must go his mouth.
*He is constantly drooling....no he is not teething he is just drooly.
*He loves to eat. So much that I can't keep up and so he has 6-8 oz of formula a day.
*He is still skinny and tall. Genetic predisposition is very strong in our family.
*He has a little star blanket that helps him fall asleep. He likes it snuggled up by his face covering his ear and will grasp it with his little fist. If his blanket is not around he struggles to fall asleep. Thank goodness my friend that made it for him, made him a second one - just in case.
*He loves when Rachel smiles, makes funny sounds or sings him songs. The others try but his reaction is just not the same.
*He prefers mommy over anyone else but also Loves being with daddy.
*He rolls to his sides a lot, and has on occasion rolled to his tummy.
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