Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pumpkin Pink'n

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Yesterday we went on our annual hayride and pumpkin picking at our local nursery.  We love going for several reasons but mostly because the entire event is FREE - well we do bring in some non-perishable food items to help stock our local food pantry.  This year I ended up going by myself and it wasn't nearly as rough as it could have been, and for that I'm very grateful.

I decided that we would go right after picking up Rachel and Benjamin from school.  We ended up parking in the last possible parking space which was several hundred feet from the line for hayrides but no one complained.  In fact there was really very little complaining the entire time.

I told the kiddos that they could pick any pumpkin they wanted as long as they could carry it.  Everyone agreed and did just that. I had Isaac in the baby pack carrier so I could carry Andrew's and Isaac's pumpkin.  Benjamin's pumpkin was the largest and I think it may have been a bit too heavy for him but he carried it the entire time, with out complaint.  I was very proud of him.  Andrew insisted on having a green pumpkin so a worker was kind enough to find him a small green pumpkin that he could carry all by himself.  Green is his new favorite color in case you haven't caught on yet.

The only problem that arose was when we were supposed to get on the trailer.  Both times Andrew was terrified so I and to carry him, Isaac onto the trailer.  The family in front of us kindly helped me load our pumpkins on the trailer for us when we were done at the field, and a worker helped us load them onto a cart when we got off.  I am very grateful for the help I received. We may not have gotten the biggest pumpkins but we got our free pumpkins and everyone had a splendid time.

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