Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Break-ish

This week is miss Hannah's spring break from preschool which really doesn't mean much.  It just means extra time at home playing with me and Andrew.  Since the weather has been exceptionally different this year and we have very warm spring already we decided to visit our favorite park.

We packed a little lunch and played for a couple hours.  This is the park we would frequent with our best friends until they moved to OK a year ago.  It is not quite the same with out them - but still very fun.  It was also been fondly dubbed "The Jensen Park" since that is their last name.

Andrew's favorite parts were:  watching the seagulls, geese and few ducks at the pond, using the digger, playing with his truck and yelling "mark, set, going!!" as we went down the slide.

Hannah's favorite parts were: going down the slide with Andrew, climbing on the rope wall and pumping herself on the swing.  A new skill she recently developed. :)

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