Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bedroom make-over 2

Today I finally finished Benjamin's room (which will one day be all the boys room).  He couldn't be more thrilled with how it turned out and I absolutely love it too.  It totally fits his personality and is not so unpleasing to the eye that it will make me totally crazy.

It's a technique called: Go Tape Crazy.  Because that exactly what you do.

You take painters tape and put it all over your wall creating these geometric designs.  Then you paint over your tape.  Be warned it does take A LOT of tape.  This one wall alone took almost 3 rolls of painters tape. You can choose to do just one color or many different colors creating an entirely different look depending on what you do.  Benjamin and I chose to do a few green and blue spots amongst the other grays. The lines are a burnished clay color (color of the other walls and ceiling), then I got a pebble gray (which is almost a light blue/gray color.  The other blue and green we had on hand - which was perfect because those were the colors he wanted.  It almost has a stained glass window effect.  Totally digging it.

The entire process was pretty easy to do too, the only hard part was taking all of the tape off.  Sometimes it was hard to see which tape was on top and which was on the bottom so it got a little tape messy.  Not sure how to do it differently to not have that happen...  After a few hours and little touch ups the process was done.

Benjamin thinks is perfect - except he was hoping it would look more like a spiders web.

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