Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Miss Hannah Banana

Today is our Hannah's birthday.  We ended up celebrating on Saturday when Marc's parents were up visiting.  She really enjoyed the extra attention she got on Saturday, which was way over due considering the extra time I've had to put into Rachel's birthday party and baptism preparation.  I had a lot of fun making her cake.  I saw the idea on Pinterest months ago and showed her, she loved it too.

She wanted strawberry flavored frosting which was easy to make and delicious to eat.  I never reminded her what cake she picked out, I just kept telling her that her cake had a fun surprise underneath her frosting.  When I cut into the cake everyone saw this:

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Hannah's eyes got big and she said:  "It's a play-doh cake!!  Are we going to eat play-doh?"  The colors were very vibrant just like she is and it just happened to match the yarn she picked out for her blanket grandma Anson is making for her.

Everyone loved the cake.  I'm excited to do it again, with different colors and a little different technique to see how it turns out.

As far as presents she really only asked for 2 things.  A large Lalaoopsay doll and a Princess Sofia doll - which she ended up getting.  She got some other cute things one of which was a cute bug tea set.  Which not only she loves but Rachel and Benjamin do as well.  They could hardly wait for Andrew to take a nap before setting up a tea party for themselves; and so far they have had one everyday since.  There just seems to be something extra fun about filling up a tiny teapot, drinking from itty-bitty cups and eating from little plates.

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Our miss Hannah is such a fun, shy, spunky, silly, loving, tender-hearted and beautiful girl.  Since Rachel and Benjamin have started school she is feeling a little lost but is quickly learning what she likes instead of copying them.  It has been fun watching her little personality develop and blossom even more.  She is also so very excited to start preschool in 1 week.  I hope she keeps that excitement.

How old are you?    4
What makes you happy?  Mommy and Daddy 
What is your favorite animal?    Unicorns and horses.
What is your favorite thing to eat? Peaches, plums, pumpkins, bananas, cheese and crackers, ice-cream, graham crackers, cucumbers, snowflakes and snow - but not the yellow snow!! 
What is your least favorite thing to eat?    Tomatoes and onions and peppers!
What is your favorite thing to do?  Eat macaroni and cheese and hot dogs, ride my bike and play tea party.
What is your favorite TV show?     Wild Kratts, and Peg Plus Cat.
What are you really good at?    Being silly, funny and dancing. 
What is your favorite movie?    The Muppet Movie
What is your favorite color?   Green
What is your favorite song?    I am a Child of God
Who is your best Friend?    Cadence Martin
What do you and your mom do together? Play Tea Party, bake cookies and snuggle.
What do you and your dad do together?   Play with Little People.
What is your favorite sport?  Soccer and Dancing.
Where is your favorite place to go?   The Zoo!!!
What is your favorite book?  Princess books.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A ballerina. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holey moley! She and emmy have a lot in common! What a cutie!