Height: 28.5 inches
Weight: 16 lbs 14 oz
Loves to eat yogurt, toast, crackers, pears, peaches, spaghetti (with sauce and meat), zucchini, corn, pumpkin, apples, prunes, puffs, and zucchini bread.
In one month he went from rolling over, to 'crawling' backwards, to army crawling, to inchworm crawling and crawling forwards on his hands and knees. He has been busy!
He goes to sleep about 7:30 pm, wakes up between 2-3 to eat then he is up any time between 5- 7 am.
He takes 2, 1 - 1 1/2 hour naps a day at 9 am and 2 pm.
He loves to be outside and if he is not outside he loves to look out the window and wish he were outside.
He loves to go on walks.
He thinks he can pull himself up on furniture and walk along side of it.
He loves his monkey stuffed animal.
He loves to laugh with the other kids.
He loves peek-a-boo, patty cake, and clapping his hands.
He loves to rock in the rocking chair and snuggle his orange star blanket.
He has occasionally start to deny his pacifier.
He LOVES music.
He bounces ALL THE TIME!!
When he gets excited about something or he wants something he moves his hands like crazy.
He likes daddy, loves mommy and 'comes alive' when he is with mommy.
He does not like loud noises, at all.
He loves to pull things out of boxes and baskets and bags.
He loves the chickens and watching the fish.
He loves bath time and screams/cries every time we take him out. If he hears the bath tub filling he gets excited and starts shaking his hands.
And this is what his life is going to look like for the next little while....being stuck in awkward places and positions:

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