We call it a little class because in nursery there were always 12-15 children present; which if you have EVER been in nursery you will then understand that that can be quite crazy. Especially if all of them except 2 are BOYS!!! You read that right almost the entire nursery last year was boys. 10 children moved onto Sunbeams and, you guessed it they were all boys. 5 boys per class. So his class is now little, though it still consists of all boys. Bless those Sunbeam teachers hearts. They will all need a medal after this year. With the smaller class size, we are praying that it will be less overwhelming for him and he will be able to attend without Marc standing in the rooms with him.
Today was rough and we can see we will still have a long road ahead of us. After getting into the primary room he immediately became overwhelmed and started to cry. Hannah tried to comfort him but couldn't and so she started to cry because she felt bad for him. Marc came to the rescue and sat next to him then followed him to class. He has some amazing Sunbeam teachers (and he already knows their name) who are not going to give up. They are showing forth such great love and concern for him and will not give up and only push as much as he will be comfortable with. Toward the end he started doing better and interacting with them more. They are such an amazing couple I know that with their help he can be successful. Our plan involves a lot of baby steps.

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