According to the we hiking website it is supposed to be a moderate hike, and our kids have done strenuous hikes so they should - in theory - be able to do this one. I personally think they have mislabeled this hike. It is quite strenuous, especially with the switch backs in the beginning, but we went as far as we could and enjoyed the amazing hiking weather and beautiful views.
Everyone did quite well, there was minimal complaining. In fact the only complaints happened when we said we needed to turn around so we wouldn't get stuck on the mountain in the dark. There were no major casualties either. If you don't count my bruised and swollen knees. I tripped over (or rather into) a washed out area of the trail and landed right on my knees. Luckily Isaac was not hurt, just a little shook up. My knees will heal and the bruising will fade, in fact they are much better already. I am very blessed that I fell in the more sandy area of the trail and not on the rocks.

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