Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fancy 5

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How old are you?    5
What makes you happy? When me and mommy or daddy snuggle.
What is your favorite animal?  Bisons and jaguar. 
What is your favorite thing to eat? Buttered noodles and MEAT!
What is your least favorite thing to eat?  Tomatoes
What is your favorite thing to do? Jump on the trampoline and go swimming. 
What is your favorite TV show?  Animaniacs and the Penguin movie.
What are you really good at?    Climbing trees.
What is your favorite movie?    Rapunzel 
What is your favorite color?    Blue.
What is your favorite song?   A Long Time Ago in a Beautiful Place
Who is your best Friend?    Bentley, Chloe, Lauren, Reagan and Cadence.
What do you and your mom do together? We play and snuggle.
What do you and your dad do together?   We play and snuggle.
What is your favorite sport?  Ballet
Where is your favorite place to go?   To the mall.
What is your favorite book? Fairy books, Fancy Nancy books.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  An artist and a Ballerina and someone who helps people like daddy.

Our Hannah-banana has turned 5.  She has been waiting for this day for forever!  This morning when after waking up and making her way upstairs she said to me (upon seeing the house decorated for her):  I LOVE IT!!

For a couple years now she has been asking to take ballet lessons.  We thought it would pass but it hasn't so for her birthday present this year we signed her up for ballet lessons.  Every ballerina needs shoes, tights, a leotard and a skirt.  So we bought those for her and presented it to her this morning.  She was very excited and can't wait to start.  She also loved getting new Lego sets, books, ballerina doll and singing Elsa doll.  We sure love our mischievous little cutie. 

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