My life is busy, my life is full and my life is great...most days. ;)
Back to school mornings are always a bit a stressful AND exciting. The night before Hannah was so excited and nervous she came upstairs - 30 minutes after we left her room - totally dressed in her first day of school outfit and exclaimed:
I'm all ready for school!!
Then we burst her bubble and told her it was still nighttime. She eventually fell asleep at woke up on her own at 6 am all dressed and ready for school. I'm almost positive she slept in PJ's but I could be wrong.
Everyone got ready quickly, listened well, were happy and made it so much easier to get out the door not just on time but early! We found everyones classrooms and worked out meetings points for after school. Then I attended 3 back to school orientations with Andrew and Isaac in tow. I was at the school from 8 am until 11:30, quickly went shopping and a bite to eat then it was back to the school at 1 to get the kids from school. The district thinks it's a good idea for them to get out early on the first day - I disagree.
But everyone had a wonderful first day and are totally loving their new teachers. I hope they hold on to that excitement and love for their new teachers through out the entire year. Hannah did quite well which we are grateful for. She did say that there were too many kids on the playground so she didn't play but just stood next to her teacher - like mother, like daughter - I was the exact same way. We do think her anxiety is getting to her though. Her personality has changed quite abruptly this past week and the only thing we can attribute the change to is school starting. I sincerely hope that we can help her work through it so we can get our happy, sweet-faced Hannah back. Anxiety sucks.
Benjamin thinks his teacher is the funniest and coolest teacher he has met. He knows a lot of his classmates already and has settled in as the life of a 2nd grader quite well, finishing all of his homework in record timing. Funny story: as we were headed to find his classroom we ran into a couple of his friends. They both said something like "Dude! Ben, how ya been?!" Then proceeded to give each other rocks/knuckles, high five, and chest bump each other. I about died laughing!!
Rachel just plain loves her new teacher and the fact that she is expected to read between 20-30 books this year. As an avid reader I'm sure this is something that can and will be easily accomplished.

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