Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tooth Fairy

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Rachel is beyond thrilled; like she came screaming up the stairs in excitement - almost waking up Andrew and Isaac because she was so happy.

What would make her so excited?

Well the fact that she FINALLY after weeks and weeks of wiggling a loose tooth (even after the adult tooth had come through) it finally fell out.  Apparently the adult tooth breaking through before the baby tooth falls out it quite common, it's a condition called 'shark teeth' because in essence you have 2 rows of teeth just like a shark.  It also means that your mouth is too small for all of your teeth so they crowd each other out causing crooked teeth that will most likely need braces. Yay for Rachel.

But that is something to think about years from now.  So we will focus on what the tooth fairy brings Rachel.  Morning didn't come fast enough for her.

The Tooth Fairy left her a cute tiny, itty-bitty letter and an awesome $2 bill (the rare kind). The letter said she should keep her first tooth for good luck and wouldn't you know it, that envelope was just the right size for it. Everything (letter, tooth & envelope) should fit quite nicely in her baby book.

1 comment:

Roemmele Family said...

Congrats Rachel! After waiting forever it happened!