Friday, July 10, 2015

Great day to fly a kite

We have a summer bucket list and I'm trying to make sure we do at least 1 thing from that list every day to keep us all from going completely crazy.  Sometimes we do more than one and somethings I know we will repeat already.  Because when you have a handsome new guy who really dislikes his carseat you have to get creative or your older kiddos will get bored.  And where boredom exists, fighting erupts.

For example I know for sure we will be flying kites, having a lemonade stand, grilling pizza, having movie/sleep-over nights in the family room, pool parties with friends and playing at the park several times during this short 6 week break.  So if you are worried  because you haven't seen us lately; don't be, we will be at home.  Grab a towel and join in; we'll save a lawn chair for you!

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