Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Grandpa's Funeral

Being 39 weeks pregnant I am not allowed to travel far.  Airports will flat out not even allow me to get on an airplane - though delivering on airplanes seems to be the thing to do now-a-days.  We had some amazing friends/adopted family, whom we knew in MN but currently live in UT, who decided to drive for 2 days to make it to my grandpa's funeral.  They arrived there with plenty of time to visit with my mom and some other dear friends that are still out there. There intentions were to be there as support for my mom (in my place) and to FaceTime the funeral so I could attend.

Technology is pretty cool, it has certainly come a long way.

It was a very neat and yet different experience attending the funeral that way, I am so glad I could.  I was able to see grandpa one last time, see the flag draped over his casket, see family I haven't seen in a very long time, visit with a few people, and watch the military graveside service all from the comfort of my own home - while my 2 youngest played on the floor.  I think my favorite part was the graveside service - it was a lost he hardest part to watch.  The 21 gun salute, the bugle and the folding of the flag were very touching to experience - even 2000+ miles away. I watched as they presented the flag to my unsuspecting Uncle who blubbered through the entire presentation.  He, along with my mother, were my grandfathers main care takers for the last 10 years.  The nurse who would come in and help them also came to the funeral, she said John was her favorite.   Really though, how could he not be your favorite?

Here is Grandpa with his dad and siblings:
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Gretchen, Mary Catherine, Larry (up on the Frank's shoulders), Bob and John.

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Grandpa John and Grandma Levis.                          Steve, Frank, Dorothy and Trudy.
                                                                   (Bill needed to stay home so he didn't make it for the funeral.)

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