Our stake primary had a special MTC day for all of the senior primary kids. Benjamin was practically bouncing out of his skin he was so excited about it. He talked about it every day - he was worried he would miss the day - and when the day finally arrived he was the first one up and dressed. They had all of the kids fill out and put on name tags, fed them breakfast and had mini classes on how they can be missionaries now - taught by the full time missionaries and ward missionaries. Then they gave every child their very own mini Preach My Gospel books - just the right size to carry in their scripture bags.
Rachel and Benjamin love having their very own copies and I often see them looking through them at home or at church on Sundays. Lat night Rachel said she was concerned that she would not make a great missionary because she doesn't have a strong testimony yet. We had a good talk about how our testimonies grow little by little our entire lives and that she doesn't need to worry about it being perfect right now. She is such a tender hearted ray of sunshine. She is fabulous and a great example right now of charity. It is fun watching her testimony grow.
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