16.2 lbs
28 inches
I missed his 7 month post because we were all super sick and just surviving through the day was good enough for me. He was sick with a cold that turned to croup, then got pink eye - twice - and ended it all with an ear infection. he was so sick he lost some weight, disliked all things except nursing and forgot how to sleep better through the night. He has also become more clingy to mom as a result of begin sick. But we are working through it and making some strides of improvement.
He is back to eating table foods and really likes avocados, sweet potatoes and crackers.
He makes the mmma sound for me. He also babbles with the 'd' and 'b' sound..
He loves patty cake and row your boat.
He can clap his hands.
His pincer grasp is perfected.
He loves to laugh, especially with his toy monkey or with brothers and sisters.
He pulls himself along the carpet with his arms.
He scoots slowly around on his bottom.
He goes from sitting to his arms and legs or belly in the blink of an eye.
He rocks back and forth on his hands and knees.
He takes 2 or 3 VERY SHORT naps a day.
He is very alert and doesn't want to miss anything....reminds me of another child of mine.
He is very engaging.
He is very curious, if he finds something that catches his attention he will lean forward or turn toward it and just stare trying to figure it out.
He hates loud noises like the vacuum or air compressor, nail gun, door shutting etc and will scream in fright.
He gives some of the best squeezes and and slobbery kisses ever.
To get your attention he will bend over and stare at you, then give you a huge smile.
He loves to eat with his foot sitting up on top of his high chair tray.
He loves music and will dance, wave his arms, bounce and rock to the music.
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