Monday, December 7, 2015

6 months

 photo DSC_0020_zpspianiur9.jpg  photo 20151209_173642_zpscinojcmc.jpg  photo 20151210_163438_zpsginzbn9g.jpg  photo 20151211_132321_zpsy2hxbpna.jpg  photo 20151211_132316_zpsb3e1n07o.jpg   photo 20151217_101149_zpsgdel1wpp.jpg
Height: 27.75 inches
weight: 14 lbs 13 oz
hc: 42.9 cm

He loves toys that rattle.
He is wearing clothes that are 9-12 months.
His favorite foods are: oatmeal, pears, peaches, carrots, sweet potato, applesauce, and rice.
He can roll from back to stomach and occasionally the other way.
He can sit up.
He loves his exo-saucer.
He loves to be tickled and is especially ticklish on his neck.
His hair is now long and blond.
He goes to bed about 7, wakes up... a lot, then is awake for the day at 5 am.
He takes 2 or 3 one hour naps a day.
He loves to put everything in his mouth.

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