Saturday, January 31, 2015


It's saturday, the day you should be able to sleep in but your darling children think otherwise.

The day to play, spend time with your family or get some projects done.

The day you should have off from work but then realize you scheduled an appointment for the morning, because your just THAT amazingly nice and really do love helping others.

So you grudgingly get up and get moving.  But you are in a funk.  You go off to your appointment and come home to get your fun, relaxing day started. When you get home though things are bit out of the ordinary.

You come home to a note, nerf gun and bullets sitting by the front door.  You are about to be ambushed and have two choices.

1: Be annoyed


2: Break the funk and have a blast.

You choose the latter. Your funk is broken, you have an epic battle with some of the most important people to you and lose gracefully.

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That was Marc's morning so far today.  The kiddos and I had a blast preparing everything while he was at his appointment.  They were giddy with excitement and in the words of Andrew: Daddy die.  I shoot him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha! That's great!